
This voucher is valid for 3 years from purchase. Expiry date is printed below the QR-code. A voucher for Køge Svømmeland can be used as payment for tickets, 10-tours tickets, cards for periods, swim accessories etc. i the reception. The voucher can't be used in the Café Bassinkanten or in the massage lounge.

A voucher should be handed in to the receptionist in Køge Svømmeland. Tickets etc. can be bought according to the value of the voucher. The balance of the voucher will decrease accordingly, and the balance of the voucher is saved in the QR-code.
You can always check the balance of a voucher on the ticket terminal in the lobby, or please, ask the receptionist to check this for you.
Please note, that your voucher will have no value after 3 years, and cash out within the 3 years period will not be possible.

The amount must be from 50,00 kr. to 5.000,00 kr.
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